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[YASARA] YASARA国内外使用单位一览

发表于 2013-11-28 11:19:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1、浙江农林大学                                           2、陕西科技大学                                        3、成都中医药大学   
zjnldx.jpg                                           sxkjdx.jpg                                         cdzyydx.jpg

4、大连理工大学                                           5、中国农业科学院
dllgdx.jpg                                            zgnky.jpg


1、Akzo Nobel   阿克苏诺贝尔                                                                 2、Merck     默克公司
Akzo Nobel.jpg                                                        merk.png

3、BASF   巴斯夫公司                                                                               4、Schering-Plough 美国默沙东-先灵-保雅
bsf.jpg                                                        xlby.png

5、Merz Pharma                                                                                             6、Novozymes 诺维信
merz_pharma.png                                                              images.jpg



Wow, absolutely brilliant. I just tried [to simulate] a random complex, and it ran out of the box! Amazing. Gave a quick demo to the Organon guys this morning and they almost dropped out of their chairs in amazement. We tried a GPCR with a complicated ligand in there (somebody had been trying to get it running for quite some time), and YASARA got it right at the first go!

Dr. Sander Nabuurs, Organon Pharmaceuticals (now Merck/MSD), Oss, the Netherlands

Your company is something incredible in user support. I don't know another company with so perfectly organized response on user requests [..]. I think its a kind of a breakthrough in the software generation technology.

Dr. Michael Shokhen, Department of Chemistry, Bar Ilan University, Israel

This morning I watched as the program automatically parameterized Tetrahydrocannabinol, It was breath taking (although I didnt inhale :-) ).

YASARA really is an excellent program and one which I will continue to support even if I have to buy it myself.

Dr. Jonathan M. Harris,School of Life Sciences, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane

I have used modelling software since 1989, and Yasara is the software I always wanted. Maybe even our bench chemists can be seduced into using it prior to synthesis.

Dr. Ed Moret, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

I am really enjoying YASARA. It's way better than any other program I have tried.

Dr. P.J. Brooks, NIH NIAAA, Rockville, USA.

Everyone is using YASARA now in the lab.
[My colleague] ..was running a sim in XXXXXXX, but because his molecule contained a phosphotyrosine, XXXXXXX went completely berzerk. When I showed him that YASARA needs only 20 seconds to parameterize and runs then the MD without problems, he almost fell off his chair.

Dr. Joost van Durme, IRIBHM, Free University of Brussels, Belgium

I think YASARA is fantastic!

Dr. Marianne A. Grant, Harvard Medical School, Boston

My first impression: WOW
My second impression: WOW AGAIN ;-)
Yasara is a complete marvel[..]

Dr. Luca Turin, London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London

I really like the [homology-]modelling macro and the
HTML-report. That
is awesome!

Dr. Thomas Agersten Poulsen, Novozymes

After a brief first look into YASAR Structure, I am absolutely
enthusiastic about the wealth of new functions and the speed of
execution. Congratulations!

Prof. K. H. Roehm, Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
That is absolutely tremendous.

Dr. Christoph Gille, Institute for Biochemistry, Charite, Berlin

Many thanks for YASARA - the only scientific software which I enjoy using.

Alexander Dulebo, MSc., Laboratory of Nanobiology (LNB), University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Thanks again for writing and maintaining the YASARA software. For my research your software is extremely helpful. Especially useful and great to work with have been the automatic parameter assignment of ligands, the accurate force-fields, the user friendly interface and manual, the possibility to write macros to automate different tasks, the flexibility of the macro language, the ability to report bugs and your fast repairs of those bugs, the possibility to run MD simulations in a visual mode which helps me a lot while debugging the macros, the clear error messages (earlier I worked with software that did not give many error messages, it just crashed with the last few hundred lines of log file missing or continued without providing clear indications that
something went wrong), the stereo vision both with cross-eyed and different monitors, the tools to analyze protein structure, the tools to do homology modeling, the tools to optimize residues after site-directed mutagenesis, and a lot more.

Dr. Hein J. Wijma, Biochemical Laboratory, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

I've been browsing the server models for CASP9, and wanted to share my excitement for your [YASARA homology] models - they're beautiful! I really think you're pushing forward in some key areas.

Dr. Jeremy Horst, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you so much for designing this software. So far with using it I am amazed at what it can do and how nice the user interface is.

Dr. Jeremy Prokop, Department of Biology, The University of Akron, USA

I have been quite favorably impressed with YASARA, and I have adopted it as the main molecular modeling/visualization software for my laboratory.
YASARA is such a great product. I sing its praises to whomever will listen.

Prof. Rudy J. Richardson, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

This is just to let you know that this is the best structural bioinformatics program that I have ever used and the quality of the
graphics, the ease of use and speed are absolutely amazing. I will certainly recommend YASARA very highly to my fellow scientists whenever I can!

Dr. Robert Weinzierl, Imperial College London, UK

Really like the software! It's super!

Dr. Andrew Knox, School of Biochemistry & Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

You cannot imagine how grateful I am for all the trouble you went through to help me. I really appreciate it. I have never had such a support for any of the programs I purchased. Thanks a lot.

Dr. Juan Carlos Calvo, Instituto de Biologia y Medicina Experimental, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The homology modeling macro is great, but the Olymp is the method to set up membrane simulations - truly phantastic!

Dr. Martin Frank, Biognos AB, Goeteborg, Sweden
发表于 2013-11-28 22:32:01 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-28 22:48:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-11-29 05:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-6 11:52:16 | 显示全部楼层
xufund 发表于 2013-11-29 05:41
谢谢!狼兄软件用的多。请教一下这个与其他的商业软件相比优势在哪里?与autodock、dock比呢 ...

呵呵 具体的优势:


发表于 2019-4-1 13:21:47 | 显示全部楼层
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