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Ledock是论坛fireflying博士期间写的一个分子对接软件,其对接准确性高于Autodock Vina. 其中lepro程序提供受体的准备,包括加氢,输出文件仅含坐标。以1BMA为例。
1. 抽取受体。
直接运行 lepro 1bma.pdb
2. 对接的盒子
lepro还产生一个dock.in的对接配置文件:- Receptor
- pro.pdb
- 1.0
- Binding pocket
- xmin xmax
- ymin ymax
- zmin zmax
- Number of binding poses
- 20
- Ligands list
- ligands
复制代码 其中Binding pocket将是确定对接位置的关键信息,其定义方式与普通软件不同的是,一般软件以立方体中心和三边长定义,这里以立方体的一个最小顶点,分别从xyz三个方向延伸,定义xyz三个方向的最大顶点值。这里借助vmd,我们可以确定盒子的大概位置.
需借助一个小的脚本文件boxer.tcl- proc boxer {args} {
- set nargs [llength $args]
- puts $nargs
- if { $nargs == 1 } {
- puts "Generate a box from selection"
- set sel [lindex $args 0]
- puts "your selection is $sel"
- # get the min and max values for each of the directions
- set coords [lsort -real [$sel get x]]
- set minx [lindex $coords 0]
- set maxx [lindex [lsort -real -decreasing $coords] 0]
- set coords [lsort -real [$sel get y]]
- set miny [lindex $coords 0]
- set maxy [lindex [lsort -real -decreasing $coords] 0]
- set coords [lsort -real [$sel get z]]
- set minz [lindex $coords 0]
- set maxz [lindex [lsort -real -decreasing $coords] 0]
- } elseif {$nargs == 6} {
- set minx [lindex $args 0]
- set maxx [lindex $args 1]
- set miny [lindex $args 2]
- set maxy [lindex $args 3]
- set minz [lindex $args 4]
- set maxz [lindex $args 5]
- } else {
- puts "I'm sure your input has some problem, and you will have some errors like:"
- }
- # and draw the lines
- draw materials off
- # line in x direction
- draw color red
- draw line "$minx $maxy $minz" "$maxx $maxy $minz"
- draw line "$minx $miny $maxz" "$maxx $miny $maxz"
- draw line "$maxx $maxy $maxz" "$minx $maxy $maxz"
- draw line "$minx $miny $minz" "$maxx $miny $minz"
- # line in y direction
- draw color green
- draw line "$maxx $miny $minz" "$maxx $maxy $minz"
- draw line "$minx $miny $maxz" "$minx $maxy $maxz"
- draw line "$maxx $maxy $maxz" "$maxx $miny $maxz"
- draw line "$minx $miny $minz" "$minx $maxy $minz"
- # line in z direction
- draw color blue
- draw line "$maxx $miny $minz" "$maxx $miny $maxz"
- draw line "$minx $maxy $minz" "$minx $maxy $maxz"
- draw line "$maxx $maxy $maxz" "$maxx $maxy $minz"
- draw line "$minx $miny $minz" "$minx $miny $maxz"
- # print result
- puts "xmin and xmax: [format %7.2f%7.2f $minx $maxx]"
- puts "ymin and ymax: [format %7.2f%7.2f $miny $maxy]"
- puts "zmin and zmax: [format %7.2f%7.2f $minz $maxz]"
- }
复制代码 脚本提供两个方法定义顶点,一是根据选择的原子的坐标来定义,原子可以选择某些残基,或者配体周围,二是自定义顶点的位置,例如,我们以晶体中配体极其周围4埃范围内的残基,包括水,离子等,来定义盒子,打开tk console- source boxer.tcl
- set active_site [atomselect top "same residue as within 4 of resname 0QH"]
- boxer $active_site
复制代码 得到box的信息- xmin and xmax: 27.56 48.12
- ymin and ymax: 13.63 31.20
- zmin and zmax: 28.04 48.87
另外也可以自己定义xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax来输入,看盒子是否合适,并且进行调整- draw delete all
- boxer 28 50 13 30 28 50
复制代码 这六个数值根据自己定义,来看盒子是否在自己所需要的位置
这里,我们对autodock插件进行了稍微处理,尽管加了一个Ledock Box的按钮,但其实,跟show box是一样的功能。只要在调整参数的时候,就会自动输出ledock的参数,由于操作比较简单,这里不做详细阐述,只要安装这个插件即可