外面的分子你先hide all 然后选择后显示bonds 里面那个显示表面积的 我不是特别清楚, 有个方法可以看差不多的,不过貌似太复杂了。 你可以先试试。
Download 1TNS.pdb
Generate a “PQR” file for 1TNS http://nbcr-222.ucsd.edu/pdb2pqr_2.0.0/
Enter 1tns
Use amber force field and amber naming scheme
Submit and download the result file
Check stdout & stderr
Load 1tns.pdb
Tick “Use another PQR” and load 1tns.pqr
Set Grid
Run APBS (this can take a while)
Molecular Surface->Show
Field Lines->Show
This will generate new objects (grad_0_1 and e_lvl_0_1)
Find out what they are