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打开autodock.exe程序,闪了一下就推出了,而官网上写To test the installation, go to Start->Run... and type "cmd.exe". At the Windows prompt, type the command "C:\Program Files\The Scripps Research Institute\Autodock\autodock4.exe" and if installation succeeded the terminal should report the following lines: C:\Users\mgl>"C:\Program Files\The Scripps Research Institute\Autodock"\autodock4.exeusage: AutoDock -p parameter_filename -l log_filename -k (Keep original residue numbers) -i (Ignore header-checking) -t (Parse the PDBQT file to check torsions, then stop.) -d (Increment debug level) -C (Print copyright notice) --version (Print autodock version) --help (Display this message)C:\Users\mgl>这样是不是说我没有安装成功,请大家帮我解答一下,谢谢。