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本帖最后由 lrf1980 于 2014-12-6 09:20 编辑
思考:在modeller的网站manual 里,有这么一个部分,叫做refining only part of the model.从这部分的功能解释上来看,应该可以用于解决上面提到的问题。http://salilab.org/modeller/manual/node23.html
The automodel class contains a automodel.select_atoms() functionwhich selects the atoms to be moved during optimization. By default, theroutine selects all atoms, but you can redefine it to select any subset ofatoms, and then onlythose atoms will be refined. (To redefine the routine, it is necessary tocreate a `subclass' of automodel, here called MyModel, whichhas the modified routine within it. We then use MyModel in place ofautomodel. The select_atoms routine should return aselection object; see Section 6.9 for furtherinformation.)
下面是实现该功能脚本 model-segment.py的内容:
# Comparative modeling by the automodel class
# Demonstrates how to refine only a part of the model.
# You may want to use the more exhaustive "loop" modeling routines instead.
from modeller import *
from modeller.automodel import * # Load the automodel class
# Override the 'select_atoms' routine in the 'automodel' class:
# (To build an all-hydrogen model, derive from allhmodel rather than automodel
# here.)
class MyModel(automodel):
def select_atoms(self):
# Select residues 1 and 2 (PDB numbering)
return selection(self.residue_range('1:', '2:'))
# The same thing from chain A (required for multi-chain models):
# return selection(self.residue_range('1:A', '2:A'))
# Residues 4, 6, 10:
# return selection(self.residues['4'], self.residues['6'],
# self.residues['10'])
# All residues except 1-5:
# return selection(self) - selection(self.residue_range('1', '5'))
env = environ()
# directories for input atom files
env.io.atom_files_directory = ['.', '../atom_files']
# selected atoms do not feel the neighborhood
env.edat.nonbonded_sel_atoms = 2
# Be sure to use 'MyModel' rather than 'automodel' here!
a = MyModel(env,
alnfile = 'alignment.ali', # alignment filename
knowns = '5fd1', # codes of the templates
sequence = '1fdx') # code of the target
a.starting_model= 3 # index of the first model
a.ending_model = 3 # index of the last model
# (determines how many models to calculate)
a.make() # do comparative modeling
1. 对选定范围内的氨基酸refine,比方说从20号残基到50号残基。
return selection(self.residue_range('20:', '50:'))
2. 对指定的某些氨基酸refine, 比方说,12, 15, 32, 34, 45。
return selection(self.residues['12'], self.residues['15'], self.residues['32'],self.residues['34'], self.residues['45'])
3. 再着就是除某些氨基酸外的其它所有氨基酸,或者说建模时,这几个氨基酸构象固定的refine,比方说,对10-15号氨基酸残基外的其它氨基酸refine。
return selection(self) - selection(self.residue_range('10', '15'))
2.然后我们再用align2d.py这个脚本生成一个4DXD-4DXD1.ali 和4DXD-4DXD1.pap文件。
3. 然后我们需定需要refine的氨基酸,这里我选的是9pc口袋下的一段氨基酸序列,189-204号残基
4. 下面是我的model-segment.py脚本内容:
# Comparative modeling by the automodel class
# Demonstrates how to refine only a part of the model.
# You may want to use the more exhaustive "loop" modeling routines instead.
from modeller import *
from modeller.automodel import * # Load the automodel class
# Override the 'select_atoms' routine in the 'automodel' class:
# (To build an all-hydrogen model, derive from allhmodel rather than automodel
# here.)
class MyModel(automodel):
def select_atoms(self):
# Select residues 1 and 2 (PDB numbering)
return selection(self.residue_range('189:', '204:'))
# The same thing from chain A (required for multi-chain models):
# return selection(self.residue_range('1:A', '2:A'))
# Residues 4, 6, 10:
# return selection(self.residues['4'], self.residues['6'],
# self.residues['10'])
# All residues except 1-5:
# return selection(self) - selection(self.residue_range('1', '5'))
env = environ()
# directories for input atom files
env.io.atom_files_directory = ['.', '../atom_files']
# selected atoms do not feel the neighborhood
env.edat.nonbonded_sel_atoms = 2
# Be sure to use 'MyModel' rather than 'automodel' here!
a = MyModel(env,
alnfile = '4DXD-4DXD1.ali', # alignment filename
knowns = '4DXD1', # codes of the templates
sequence = '4DXD',
assess.GA341)) # code of the target
a.starting_model= 1 # index of the first model
a.ending_model = 100 # index of the last model
# (determines how many models to calculate)
a.make() # do comparative modeling
我在这个脚本里加了对每个模型的DOPE 和GA341评估。
5. 运行这个脚本,然后用pymol把100个模型重叠在一起,我们就可以观察到所有的模型里,只有189-205这个区域的氨基酸构象是变化的。然后在根据实际情况评估和选择合适的一个模型做后续的研究。
6. 附件中是所有的相关文件,有兴趣的同志可以自己下载下来运行一下。