阿里在群里共享了一个Pymol学习的网页,关于A tutorial on using PyMOL to generate publication quality figures.包含:
1. Figure showing Electron Density Map
2. Cartoon representation and surface
3. Using APBS and PyMOL to display the electrostatics surface
4. Create a series of PNG files for animated GIF movie
5. Structural alignment of two homologous proteins
1. Pymol制作电子密度图
1. Loading PDB file
File -> Open -> 1w2i.pdb
2. Load the map file
File -> Open ->
It takes a while to load the map file.
3. Zoom in the active site
PyMOL> select active, (resi 14-20,38) and chain A
PyMOL> zoom active
PyMOL> hide all
PyMOL> show stick, active
4. Locate and Display the active site water
We know that the amide group of Asn38 is h-bond to an active water.
PyMOL> select active_water, ( (resi 38 and name ND2 and chain A) around 3.5) and (resn HOH)
The above command select any water molecules that is/are around 3.5A of the ND2 atom of resi 38 in chain A
PyMOL> show spheres, active_water
Well the Oxygen atom is now shown in its vdw radius. We can reduce the size of the sphere to 0.5A by:
PyMOL> alter active_water, vdw=0.5
PyMOL> rebuild
5. Display the electron density around the active site atoms at sigma level=1.0
PyMOL> isomesh mesh1,, 1.0, (resi 14-20,38 and chain A), carve=1.6
Because the residue atoms were previously defined as "active", you can simply type:
PyMOL> isomesh mesh1,, 1.0, active, carve=1.6
6. You can change the color of the map by:
PyMOL> color grey, mesh1
7. Normally you want to set the background color to white for publication
PyMOL> bg_color white
8. Publication quality figures
To render a figure with the default resolution (640x480)
PyMOL> ray
You will be able to preview the low resolution figures on screen. If you have done everything right, you should be able to see this:
To render a figure with high resolution
PyMOL> ray 2400,2400
Well, it takes a while to produce it. Then you can save the figures in PNG by
File -> Save Image
9. You can save the session by:
File -> Save Session
The saved session will be a .pse extension. You can reload it by double-click the .pse file in Windows.
网页地址: 那个网址看不了,楼主有没有保存,求发3. Using APBS and PyMOL to display the electrostatics surface 川大-灰太狼 发表于 2019-2-26 10:17
没有明白你的“基因组”的基因 是什么意思,是 碱基吗?一般标记可以用Label 命令。 ...
是这么回事~我从GEO数据库中获取了一个基因组的3D结构,该结构包含5条染色体,为PDB格式,Pymol可以打开。同时,数据库中还提供了各个染色体上接近100多个基因的XYZ轴坐标,这一坐标文件是TXT格式。我现在就是想利用Pymol把这100多个基因显示在染色体的3D结构上,显示的基因标注成其他颜色。然后我用label命令试过,发现标注的文字及位置根本不在染色体上,不管我怎么输入坐标,最后标定的点都在基因组3D结构的几何中心,应该还是我哪里命令错了吧 囧rz 还请指点一二!先谢谢啦! 风姿花传 发表于 2018-10-30 16:55
大神说的是哪个群啊 想加群
支持:):):):):):):):):):):):) 本来想评个分的,但提示说这不属于我管辖的范围! 好好的福利贴~~~:D qian430 发表于 2013-12-21 16:58 static/image/common/back.gif
请问,蛋白active site和ligand的电子密度图在我们计算领域能分别说明那些问题,或解释那些现象? ...
其实电子密度图才是近似真实的分子形状。所以他们有对电子密度进行RMSD计算的,从而来与实验得到的电子密度形状比较。电子密度图相似的,则更可能是有效的抑制剂。 qian430 发表于 2013-12-24 20:51 static/image/common/back.gif
对电子密度进行rmsd?这个好神奇呀,哈哈,你是不是想说比较电子密度比计算rmsd更精确 ...
就是比较电子密度图的叠合情况:) 请问MAP文件在哪里可以下载哇 这个文件是哪里来的啊.map.xplor “” 这个文件哪里下载呀,谢谢! 漂亮 :loveliness: