Multiple Postdoc Positions in Beijing Computational Science Research Center
1. Postdoctoral scientist in computer-aided drug discovery (CADD)Carrying out CADD projects targeting GPCRs, PD1-PDL1/2 and other targets.
Protein-ligand, protein-protein, protein-DNA docking, followed by Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and MMGBSA scoring.
Improve computing approaches with experimental feedback from our experimental collaborators.
2. Molecular modeling and simulation of protein systems. Ongoing projects include:
Antibody optimization through antibody-antigen modeling and MD simulation
Simulation of GPCR-G-protein complex and allosteric network analysis
Investigation of nucleosome dynamics and DNA remodeling around nucleosome
Disease related protein/peptide aggregations/denaturation
3. Computational method and software development in X-ray sciences. Ongoing activities and research collaborations include:
Developing programs for X-ray scattering data analysis and model reconstruction/refinement
Method and software development for High-resolution structure determination using data collected at X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs),
including single particle scattering and serial crystallography data analysis
Integration of molecular dynamics simulation and time-resolved X-ray scattering/diffraction data
to reconstruct conformational transformations for large molecules.
Your Qualifications:
Doctoral degree in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, computer sciences or related
Experience in molecular docking and MD simulations
Strong motivation to apply MD simulations/MMGBSA to CADD
Linux experience and programming skills are plus for the positions.
More information can be found:
(Beijing CRSC)
(Wu Group)
(Liu Group)
Our Offer:
Competitive Salary (depends on experiences and expertise)
Position is (initially) limited to two years.
Visiting opportunity in the second year at Rowan University in USA
The Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names
and email addresses of three references as a single PDF document to Prof. Chun Wu: wuc<at>