huchmy 发表于 2018-10-14 15:41:50


请教大佬,我在做“定义蛋白受体”的时候,出现下述提示:“The specified receptor has incomplete valence atoms that could affect the calculation. Create a Valence Monitor from the Structure menu to highlight these atoms.“应该如何解决?谢谢

川大-灰太狼 发表于 2018-10-16 09:50:26

The specified receptor has incomplete valence atoms that could affect the calculation. Create a Valence Monitor from the Structure menu to highlight these atoms.这个就是提示呀!
你指定的受体里具有不完整价(态)的原子,可能影响计算。 从Structure菜单创建Valence Monitor以突出显示这些原子。
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