川大-灰太狼 发表于 2015-6-15 23:50:15



PS:和BiosolveIT公司沟通了,这次培训因为不是Christian他们德国公司,而是他们的美国分公司的人员,时间上差距比较大,所以这次培训将以视频的方式发放给大家。还请大家谅解! 如果愿意参加的,只能凌晨1点参加,但这次的英语语速会比较快。

Predicting binding affinity doesn't work – or does it?

Predicting binding affinity is still regarded as the holy grail. With SeeSAR,however, we are one step closer to accurately and reliably predict a protein-ligand's binding affinity. What one often neglects is the accuracy of the data, and that, especially in brute force correlation analysis, we might compare apples with oranges.

SeeSAR will tell you where the problems are. So you can understand, without looking at any numbers, where you might have to optimize or where a crystal structure might not be credible. Because they are not, as Derek Lowe once put it, a "message from God", but full of assumptions themselves. If we start to understand incorporate this in our work, we will see calculated binding affinity in a whole new (green) light.

SeeSAR将告诉您,您设计的药物分子问题出在了哪里。不用看任何数据,您就会知道药物分子哪里可以优化,晶体复合物的结构中哪里存在着不可靠之处,您该选择哪个晶体复合物作为设计药物分子的起点。正如Derek Lowe说过的,晶体复合物解析出的结构也并不是上帝给我们的信号,也仅仅是试验者的假设。一旦我们理解了SeeSAR的优势,并将其应用在工作中,我们将看到它在药物分子与蛋白的亲和力预测上展现的亮点。

time: 10:00 am PDT, 1:00 pm EDT, 19:00 CEST



Many thanks for your interest in this event - you have successfully

The login URL is https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/174720360
(available for/on Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android).

The webinar will open fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled start time, with logins being available on a first-come, first-served basis. Places are limited to ensure quality, so be sure to join promptly to avoid disappointment. All attendees will be entitled to receive an extended evaluation license for BioSolveIT's software suite - this will be distributed via email shortly after the event. (为了保证此次免费培训的质量,人数有限制,请大家尽快注册。所有参加者将获得BiosolveIT公司软件产品的4周试用版,会议后发送到注册邮箱地址。)

Thanks again for your interest in BioSolveIT - in the meantime, why not download our newly updated SeeSAR tool (now Version 3.0) and find out what the buzz is about!

Kind regards,
The BioSolveIT webinar teamBioMS.org成都分迪科技有限公司

lianjin1989 发表于 2015-6-16 09:19:05


lianjin1989 发表于 2015-6-16 09:25:51

国家没有China 倒是有台湾,香港和澳门是几个意思

guod111 发表于 2015-6-16 10:45:22


川大-灰太狼 发表于 2015-6-16 10:53:45

lianjin1989 发表于 2015-6-16 09:19

讲的是英语哈!欧洲地区的英语水平普遍很好 呵呵

guod111 发表于 2015-6-26 22:32:25

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jG08fMu 密码: tdcg

秋水若寒 发表于 2018-8-12 09:56:12

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 免费培训-如何更准确的预测药物分子与蛋白的亲和力(2)