Linux版本,想在pymol中选中手性原子标记R/S构型,label stereochemistry时显示不出来,报错:InitializeMMLibs() Error:mmct_initialize() failed ok=-4ObjectMoleculeUpdateMMStereoInfoForState: can't initialize mmlibs
pymol中可以标记R/S吗?我没有见过你说的这个命令呢,是否是需要什么插件? 本帖最后由 Ryan 于 2015-5-11 16:56 编辑
川大-灰太狼 发表于 2015-5-8 15:50
pymol中可以标记R/S吗?我没有见过你说的这个命令呢,是否是需要什么插件? ...
可以标记的,命令应该是label sele, stereo
现在就是这出问题,不知道怎么回事,不知道这个mmlibs有什么关系,提示InitializeMMLibs() Error
Ryan 发表于 2015-5-11 16:52
可以标记的,命令应该是label sele, stereo
现在就是这出问题,不知道怎么回事,不知道这个mmlibs有什么关 ...
PyMOL can label chiral centers; however, due to the recursive and dependent nature of the determination, PyMOL will refuse to label structures with alternate coordinates.
To determine stereochemistry for a structure that has alternate coordinates, you either need to clear the alternate coordinates field in the target object using: alter objName, alt=''
or you need to create a new object from the old object selecting just one set of coordinates per atom.For example, to create a new object called 'newObj' from 'oldObj' using the only those
atoms with no alternate coordinates or those atoms with an alternate coordinate label 'A' one types:
create newObj, oldObj and alt ''+alt 'A'
Similarly, to create an object from just alternate coordinates 'G' one types:
create newObj, oldObj and alt 'G'
PyMOL labels chiral centers using the IUPAC symbols 'R' for rectus, 'S' for sinister, 'r' for pseudoasymmetric rectus and 's' for pseudoasymmetric sinister.
川大-灰太狼 发表于 2015-5-11 23:54
谢谢,这个我之前试过,一开始我也以为是alternative coordinates造成的,但是还是不行,报错同样还是mmlibs