Subfamily-specific positions
有没有有兴趣或研究过Subfamily-specific positions的研友啊?求探讨Q: Why are the subfamily-specific positions (SSPs) important?A: Proteins within a single family share a common function but differ in more specific properties and can be divided into subfamilies with different specificity, enantioselectivity, stability, etc. Completely conserved positions can define general properties of the entire family (for example, have direct roles in enzyme catalytic machinery) but do not explain functional diversity. On the opposite the subfamily-specific positions (SSPs) – conserved only within protein subfamilies, but different between subfamilies – seem to be responsible for functional diversity.Q: Why to identify the SSPs?A: SSPs can contribute to a better understanding of enzyme evolution and structure-function relationship. Why do similar active sites in homologous enzymes perform different chemical transformations? How can we study the structure-function relationship and predict structural changes that lead to functional diversity? These are the fundamental questions to anwser by using the subfamily-specific positions.Q: Can SSPs have practical application?A: From the practical point of view, we would like to know how to enhance functional properties of existing enzymes. SSPs can be used as hotspots for directed evolution or rational design experiments to change protein function and create novel biocatalysts. 师姐看的是zebra吧~生物信息学的方法要是不结合结构来看,你是要慎重的,包括你的多序列比对结果是否准确等等~都需要仔细考虑呀